Nonii, nüüd seal ka ratastega käidud.
Staten Island on eraldi saarel asuv New York City linnaosa, kuhu saab Manhattanilt tasuta praamiga ja Brooklynist üle Verrazano-Narrows silla.
Meie sõitsime metrooga Astoriast Manhattani lõunatippu ja praamiga Staten Islandile.
Metroosse lubatakse jalgratastega tipptunni välisel ajal ja sõita võib viimases vagunis. Nii rääkis meile putkas istuv metrootöötaja. Tagasitulles me viimasesse vagunisse ei jõudnud, sest rong tuli liiga ruttu ette. Keegi meid keskmisest vagunist ära siiski ei ajanud.
Praamil on jalgrataste jaoks olemas eraldi ala, sadamatöötaja juhatas meid alguses sadamas jalgratturitele mõeldud ootamise kohta ja siis praamile alumisele korrusele. Mingeid turvaväravaid me ei läbinud. Tavalised reisijad lähevad sadamas teisele korrusele ja sealt läbi turvaväravate praamile. Pommikoer on ka sadamas olemas.
Kuna saar osutus palju suuremaks, kui me alguses arvasime, siis jõudsime läbi sõita ainult Atlandi ookeani poolse rannaääre, tagasi sadamasse sõitsime mööda suvalisi tänavaid. Seega tuleb sinna veel minna :)
Staten Island or SI as it is known here in abbreviated lingo, is one of the five boroughs that make up New York City.
It is accessable by free ferry from Manhattan or by car over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge from Brooklyn.
We decided in favor of the ferry boat because we had to ride the subway all the way from Astoria to Whitehall Street in downtown Manhattan anyway.
Since we had bicycles and being good citizens, we decided to ask first if we could take our bikes on subway, just in case.
The clerk on duty in Astoria station said sure but during off hours and in the rear of the train only.
Once we got to the ferry boarding area, we were told to keep our bikes in a special bike waiting area before we could embark. The large double-deckers that shuttle between SI and Manhattan have even special bike racks on lower level.
Security was fairly laxed, nobody checked us, although folks embarking on the upper level had to pass by armed security detail with the bomb dog.
Turned out that if you want to explore SI by pedaling on your own, the island seems a whole lot bigger than on the map.
We spent an estimated three hours exploring the part of the island facing the Atlantic, then turned back and rode through the maze of local streets back to the port.
On our subway ride back we didn't make it to the last car but the train wasn't crowded and we got home without incidents.
One more thing, being that we couldn't see as much as we had hoped, another exploration will follow!
Ferry terminal in Manhattan.
Bike rack on the lower deck.
Bidding farewell to the concrete canyons of Manhattan, for now!
Passing by the torch!
Harley shop on Baltic and Bay Streets on Staten Island.
Coastal recidences here have a view to die for.
Mälestusmärk sõdades langenutele.
A memorial complex to America's war dead.
To our surprise, there were quite a few Russians in the park.
Seal kindluses oli vanasti igas augus kahur.
Aga sõdida polnudki siin kellegagi, sest keegi ei tahtnud eelmise sajandi alguses siinseid sadamaid rünnata.
Before there ever was a bridge across the narrows, there were New York gun batteries defending the harbor, located both on Staten Island and on the other side, in Brooklyn what is now Fort Hamilton. Down below you can see what is left of Battery Weed casemates.
I've got to say that the harbor was wery well defended, no one ever dared to challenge its big guns.
Neid rööpaid pidi veeti meremiine.
Judging by the onslaught of green in the picture, it could have been taken somewhere in Panama. Actually it's still on Staten Island and the building directly in front of us housed what they called back then "torpedos" or sea mines as they are known today. Harbor defences were prearranged but not permanently in place. In case of an emergency the munitions were to be transported on miniature rail wagons to the special boats to be deployed in the water.
Ma nii arvan.
Mäletate ju sellest jutust, et Kõrvits pani igal palgapäeval ühe telliskivi kõrvale, et endale oma kodu ehitada.
Ja siis ehitas sellise. Suurema jaoks ei jätkunud kive.
A building of unknown purpose. Looks like a house from that fairy tale.
Seal on olemas nii laste mänguväljak kui WC.
A hidden treasure, an area for picnic by permit only.
Aga see sodi on kõik võsa taga.
All this stuff has been washed ashore. Not too pretty!
A nice long board walk, even with bicycle lane markings on it.
Vajutad jalaga pedaali ja vesi hakkab torust jooksma.
Staten Island paistab taustal ilus roheline.
Speak of public amenities. They have even built a stainless steel table, for the fisherman to ready their catch. Step on a release under the table and there will be more water flowing than in a Chinese typhoon.
A fairly natural wild park.
Most of the homes we encountered were full of Halloween theme.
Selline vaikne ja peresõbralik.
Compared to most other boroughs SI was nice and small, well-kept and friendly.
Üldse mitte nii ilus, kui tavareisijate ootesaal.
Bicycle waiting area or in other words, if you had a bike you couldn't mix with other passangers but had to park your wheels here. This area was an exeption, a little dirty.
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