Meie kodu ümbruskonna tänavatel on põhiliselt 2-3-e korruselised eramajad, millede ees on umbes 3x3m suurused aiakesed. Tagaaiad on ka, aga tagaaed pole põllumajanduse jaoks, seal on tavaliselt garaaž ja lauad-toolid.
Eesaiad on täis lilli või puid-põõsaid. Kuna elanikud on siin kreeklased ja itaallased, siis paljud neist on oma lillede vahele mõned tomatid istutanud. Olen näinud ka kurki, kapsast ja kõrvitsalisi, aga oma tomat on olemas peaaegu igaühel.
Ja mõned aiakesed on ainult köögiviljakultuuride all :)
We live in Astoria which is mostly a two-story residential neighborhood in northwestern Queens. As such, almost everyone has a tiny patch of land that accompanies his or her property. Most folks living here trace their ancestory to either Greece or Italy so they grow vegetables. I have seen cucumbers, cabbage, assorted melons and of course, tomatoes. Whatever the variety, everyone seems to have tomatoes. Heck, even Michael Corleone, right before he died in Godfather III, tended ever so gently to his tomatoes. So tomatoes are a cultural thing...
Näiteks siin aias on kaks suurt roosipõõsast ja nende varjus väike tomat.
This gentleman has roses and... what else... tomatoes of course.
Sunflowers, melons and of course, tomatoes.
With a little imagination, this here could already be called "farming". Looks like paprica and you've just got to have tomatoes.
As it is customary in New York City, when you can't expand anywhere else, you can still go up! I'm not sure what these bushes are but as certainly as there are death and taxes, there are tomatoes growing under here. Why people do it? I don't know. A lot of residents in our neighborhood are elderly and tending their very own garden gives them something to do. By the way, I also have peppermint and dill growing, although in our back yard.
3 kommentaari:
see vist on see fenomem, mida raamatu "Aedniku hullus" kirjeldatakse...ja ikka kisub inimest sinna maa poole, et näpud mullaseks saaks...
Huvitav, kas nad julgevad seda köögivilja süüa ka või kasvatavad ilu pärast?
Ma arvan, et nad söövad neid vilju ise. Sest need aeda tavaliselt ei kaunista kuidagi - võimalikult tihedalt on taimi maha pandud ja need seal siis kasvavad tugede vahel risti-rästi. Võibolla see roosipõõsaste vahel asuv pisikeste tomatitega taim oli ilu pärast pandud :)
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