Olime eile rannas jälle, seal kus venelastest juudid elavad - Coney Islandil.
Seal on (oli?) lõbustuspark Astroland.
Selle Astrolandiga pidavat asjad nii olema, et 2007. aasta hooaeg olevat tal viimane.
Maa on maha müüdud ja park ilmselt pannakse kinni.
390 inimest jääb tööta.
Toetusallkirju küll kogutakse...
Ma eriline lõbustusparkide fänn pole, aga see siin on ajalooline ja natuke kahju, kui sellised asjad kaovad.
Samas, see park näeb üsna vana ja kulunud välja.
Käisime vaaterattal sõitmas, et saaks kõigele ülevalt alla vaadata.
We were on the beach on Coney Island yesterday. Nearby Brighton Beach is a Russian Jewish neighborhood.
We visited the Astroland Amusement Park.
Unfortunately, by the end of the 2007 summer season, the park will most likely be closed because it was sold to a developer.
390 people will lose their jobs...
On this page, you can voice your support for them.
Amusement parks aren't my favorite entertainment places but Astroland is a very old and historic place and it's a little bit sad when it vanishes.
Yes, I know, this park looks quite worn out and maybe some of it's rides aren't 100% safe. But it is still a landmark.
We enjoyed a ride on the Wonder Wheel.
Vahepeal tõusis püsti ja sirutas ennast ja siis lamas edasi.
Kutsa paistis rõõmus ja rahul olevat :)
To our surprise, a dog was riding in one of the stationary cars on the wonder wheel.
To our surprise, a dog was riding in one of the stationary cars on the wonder wheel.
He (or she?) had even water and food in the car.
From time to time, he got up, stretched, and then laid down again.
He probably belonged to the park employee.
What's the best way to get him out of the way but to put him in the car and let him ride.
Looks like he quite enjoyed it :)
Kuna asi osutus ebaturvaliseks, siis umbes viimased 40 aastat on torn olnud suletud.
What looks like a radio antenna farther away is actually a parachute tower.
What looks like a radio antenna farther away is actually a parachute tower.
It was used in the 40-s and 50-s as a thrill ride.
They would lift up a person with the parachute, suspend him from the top of the tower and then let go.
They would lift up a person with the parachute, suspend him from the top of the tower and then let go.
It worked until they had an accident.

Pühapäev, väljas 30 kraadi sooja, vesi 25 kraadi ja inimesi nii vähe?! Sügis või?
Coney Island Beach.
Coney Island Beach.
Air temperature 86 degrees, water 77, it was Sunday and so few people? Is it fall already?
The Verrazano Narrows Bridge in the backround.
25 sendi eest hakkasid kõik need väiksed asjad liikuma.
A miniature amusement park onto itself - American people love toys.
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