Meil on praegu ilusad suveilmad ja hea rattaga sõita.
Eile käisime Manhattani põhjaosas Inwoodis.
Jõe pealt paistab Inwood üleni roheline, nagu selles postituses on näha.
Ja maa pealt paistab Inwood ka väga roheline - me sattusime Inwood Hill Parki, mis tegelikult on peaaegu nagu mets - tihe ja metsa moodi lõhnav.
We are enjoying excellent weather this late summer, good for riding bicycles.
Yesterday, we visited Inwood, Manhattan's northernmost neighborhood.
Looking from the river, Inwood is one continuous patch of green.
Once you set your foot there it's still green.
There is a large park there called Inwood Hill Park.
Actually it's more like a forest, giant trees, thicket all over and has the smells of a real forest.
Western part of the park is perched on a steep cliff overlooking the Henry Hudson Parkway some 60 feet below.
Western part of the park is perched on a steep cliff overlooking the Henry Hudson Parkway some 60 feet below.
Looks like kelp except it's not under water.
Paremal kaldal on Bronxi linnaosa.
Harlem River Playground with Henry Hudson Bridge in the distance.
Across the river on the right is the Bronx.
Manhattan Greenway along the Harlem River.

Pildil on Major Oak, mille otsast oli Robin Hoodi kambal hea teed jälgida.
Selles nn. metsas olidki niisugused vanad ja sammaldunud tammed!
Major Oak'i vanuseks võib olla 800-1000 aastat.
Käisin 10 aastat tagasi seal reisil - Sherwoodi metsal oli aed ümber ja värav ees ja parkimisplats ja friikartulite söömise koht.
Mulle tegi see nalja, et keset lagedat on puudesalu, millele on aed ümber ja silt "mets". Aga noh, ma olin ju Eestist.
Inglismaal ma metsa väga ei näinudki, ainult suuri kiviaedadega heinamaid lammastega, üksikuid väärikaid puid ja kivist losse küngaste vahel. Avarust.
This shot was taken in Sherwood Forest, in good olde England.
The tree is called Major Oak, counted to be 800-1000 years old.
The legend goes that this tree served as a vantage point for Robin Hood and his merry men.
I was in England 10 years ago.
Sherwood Forest was fenced in, had a gate, a parking lot and a fast food restaurant.
It was just a group of trees, relatively out in the open, with a big sign "Forest".
No sign of Robin Hood nor his merry men.
It looked funny to me but then again, I was from Estonia.
England is not heavily forested, to large extent it's endless pastures with sheep.
Only here and there you could see tall trees and high castle walls.
In a way, kind of like a prairie.
2 kommentaari:
Ai ai, Siiri - käisite meie kandis ja ei tulnudki uksele koputama! :P
Me ei julgenud koputama tulla :)
Sul ju kolimiseelne aeg praegu - no mismoodi me oleks lihtsalt sisse sadanud? Sest ega me kunagi pikalt ette ei mõtle, kuhupoole oma rattad keerame. Pühapäevahommikul lihtsalt mõtlesime, et Inwoodis pole veel käinud ja see pole ülearu kaugel ka.
Igatahes tervitused Sulle ja küll me veel kunagi kohtume!
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