Mõnikord me pakime natuke provianti ja mõned riided spordikotti, hakkame turistideks ning läheme linnast välja. Eelmisel nädalal käisime Niagaras jugasid vaatamas. Internetis paistsid nad teistsugused, kui kohapeal. Kohapeal oli võimas. Nojah, Norras nägin võimsamaid veekukkumisi, aga Niagara on ka ilus. Isegi pilvise ilmaga.
From time to time we get adventurous, pack along some clothes, food, assume a tourist label and take a trip out of the city. Last week, we visited the Niagara Falls. The funny thing was, they looked completely different than what we saw on the Net. Reality was far more magnificent. I have been to Norway and seen falls there but Niagara seemed to beat them all hands down. Even when it was cloudy.

Tuleb lai kärestikuline jõgi, möödub kahelt poolt ühest saarest, mille nimi on Kitsesaar (Goat Island) ja kukub 51 meetri sügavusele alla.
Kolm juga on - American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls ja Horseshoe Falls.
Kaardil on need märgitud valge lainelise joonega.
Kaardil on need märgitud valge lainelise joonega.
Niagara Falls are actually split between Canada and the US. This is what the American side looks like. Imagine a wide field of water, cluttered with rapids. Right before the falls a large island or Goat Island as it is known splits the flow in two. Between the Goat Island and Canada are the largest of the three falls, the Horseshoe Falls. They fall mostly on the Canadian side. Between the Goat Island and the US are the smaller American and the Bridal Veil Falls. There is a small patch of land between the Goat Island and the American mainland called Luna Island.
Niagara Falls are actually split between Canada and the US. This is what the American side looks like. Imagine a wide field of water, cluttered with rapids. Right before the falls a large island or Goat Island as it is known splits the flow in two. Between the Goat Island and Canada are the largest of the three falls, the Horseshoe Falls. They fall mostly on the Canadian side. Between the Goat Island and the US are the smaller American and the Bridal Veil Falls. There is a small patch of land between the Goat Island and the American mainland called Luna Island.
If you look on the map above you can make out the falls where the thick white line is.
Development across the water are hotels and casinos in Canada.
People clad in yellow ponchos waiting in line to be taken down to the Cave of the Winds where, if they want, they can climb out to the foot of the falls.
People clad in yellow ponchos waiting in line to be taken down to the Cave of the Winds where, if they want, they can climb out to the foot of the falls.
A look at them from high above. The National Park Service has built a wooden walkway to where they can be showered by the spray.
A look at them from high above. The National Park Service has built a wooden walkway to where they can be showered by the spray.
One of the stairs had a large NO SMOKING sign as if you can keep anything lit in this soup.
Silda mööda saab Kanadasse minna.
Observation tower and Rainbow Bridge across the river to Canada.
Observation tower and Rainbow Bridge across the river to Canada.
Turquoise water.

Laevapilet maksab 12.50 dollarit.
Down below you can see a ship called Maid of the Mist.
Down below you can see a ship called Maid of the Mist.
It will take you to the foot of the Horseshoe Falls for a charge of $12.50.
Amish people waiting for the boat trip.
Amish people waiting for the boat trip.

Everyone will come along even the recent addition to the family.
A little Amish in his poncho.
Meestel olid kaabude kaitseks spetsiaalsed kiled kaasas.

Üks turismiinfo koht.
Kiirteede ääres on puhkealad (rest area), kus on vetsud ning turismiinfo ja joogi- ja näksiautomaadid.
A little Amish in his poncho.
Everyone gets the plastic, no exceptions.

Sest kaabu peab peas olema.
The tour furnished blue tarps only. If you had to wear a religious head garment such as an Amish straw hat you had to provide your own protection for it.
The tour furnished blue tarps only. If you had to wear a religious head garment such as an Amish straw hat you had to provide your own protection for it.

Laev sõitis joast ülespaiskuva pilve sisse ja seisis seal mõnda aega.
Kaelasadav vesi oli soe ja puhas.
Jalad said märjaks.
***The boat ride jokingly known as the "soak trip" takes you to the American Falls first then moves on the Horseshoe Falls. That guarantees your shower and spray. Water was clean and warm. If you follow the instructions and wrap yourself in the provided tarp it's not too bad. Of course your shoes will get wet one way or another.

Üks mu tuttav eestlane küsis - kas New Yorgis ka juute on :)
One of our acquaintances wanted to know if there are Jews in New York City. We always like a good laugh. The proof is in the pudding :)
One of our acquaintances wanted to know if there are Jews in New York City. We always like a good laugh. The proof is in the pudding :)

Pärast laevasõitu sai mööda treppe American Fallsi juurde ronida,
need sinised mummud on inimesed.
After the boat returned you could climb up from the pier and get up close and personal to the American Falls. The little blue dots in the picture are actually visitors going to the foot of the falls.
Peale jugasid läheb jõgi üsna rahulikult edasi.
After the "broken waters" the calm returns to the river and it continues on it's long journey to the Atlantic.

Öösel on jõgi ja joad valgustatud.
Illuminated rapids at night.

Taustaks Kanada kasiinod-hotellid.
Colored spotlights from Canadian side.
Colored spotlights from Canadian side.

Talvel jäätub kõik see värk, ma arvan, et see oleks ka ilus vaadata.
In most winters the falls become shrouded in ice. Wish we could come back and see.
In most winters the falls become shrouded in ice. Wish we could come back and see.

Tee Niagarale läks mägede vahelt.
Meil oli tagasisõites väga vihmane ilm, sellepärast need mäed auravad.
En route to our destination we passed through several mountain ranges. It rained a lot and you could see all this water vapor.

A scenic overlook area with tourist information.
Need kohad on puhtad ja korras ja ööpäev läbi lahti.
Brošüüride hulgast leidsin ka sellise, kus oli hunnikute viisi hotellide sooduskuponge.
Meil oli neist küll abi :)
Interstate road system has a lot of well-kept rest areas where you could use a rest room, get a cup of hot coffee or a snack. Not to mention streching one's legs. One of the them had a concession stand with local hotel discount coupons. We sure used it...
5 kommentaari:
super, usas-s on töesti kauneid kohti...suvel olin Californias ja ka käisin ka Yosemite rahvuspargis, tahtsin just jugasid näha, aga aega jäi väheks ja kogu looduspargi külastus piirdus autoga läbisöiduga...aga natuke ikka nägime. ja vesi on ilus , vesi on lummav...
Jah, USA-s on väga ilusaid kohti, metsi ja mägesid ja suuri järvi ja jõgesid. Kunagi tahaks Grand Canyoni ka näha :)
Ja vett mina kangesti armastan :)
oo... mustvalge versioon joast on tòeline kunstfoto minu arvates
kui palju teil selle reisi peale läks New Yorkist-Niagarani?
Kokku läks ümmarguselt 400 dollarit.
Bensiin $99
autorent $154
teemaksud $18.45
motell (1 öö kahele) $45
laevapiletid 2 tk $25 (sõit Horseshoe joa alla)
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