Pühapäeval oli Flushing Meadows Corona pargi suurel järvel draakonipaatide ralli.
Igas paadis oli paarkümmend inimest - lisaks aerutajatele ka trummilööja, kes ühtlasi hõikus "one-two" (võibolla mõni hüüdis hiina keeles ka, aga mina kuulsin inglisekeelset hõikumist) ning tüürimees.
Võistlus kestis kaks päeva, mõlemal päeval kaheksa tundi.
On Sunday, we watched a dragon boat race on the big lake of the Flushing Meadows Corona Park.
There were almost twenty people in every boat - paddlers, a drummer and a steerer.
The drummer or caller may be considered the "heartbeat" of the dragon boat, and he or she leads the crew throughout the race with the rhythmic beating of a drum to indicate the timing and frequency of paddling strokes.
The races lasted for two days, eigth hours a day.
Stiil on neil jah natuke erinev :)
***The couple on the right is nicely clad in red-and-white.
But their styles couldn't be more different :)
What looks like a full dragon on the table is actually two parts. The head you stick in the fore and the tail is left for the aft.
Karjuti nii inglise kui hiina ja korea keeles.
Dragon boat race is a very important event for the Asian people.
Dragon boat race is a very important event for the Asian people.
Of course, vendors couldn't to stay home.
You could hear a wonderful mix of English, Korean and Chinese.
Külastage meie boksi :)
Starbucksi kohv termosest?
Would you like a cup of Starbucks that has been held in a thermos for a while?
Sisse astudes jätke plätud ukse taha.
Tents for boat teams.
If you want to enter, you have to leave your slippers behind the door. Kind of like a mosque!
Seal pargis tehakse tihti pulmapilte.
Afterward, I took a few pictures of a bride.
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