Meie olime USA poolel.
There are two cities named Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada and Niagara Falls, New York. We stayed on the American side.
Kirik ja kasiino.
Kui internetis kohalike hotellidega tutvusin, siis kõigil oli ära märgitud, kui kaugel see asub jugadest ja kui kaugel Seneca kasiinost.
Kasiino on nagu majakas keset madalamate majadega linna.
We did a little research before we set out on our trip. Seemed like anything that could house people had a distance from the Seneca Casino marked next to it. Turns out the casino is a landark. It's the tallest building in town, all others loose out to it by a large margin.
Selle maja ees on silt "A romantic wedding chapel".
Siin saab abielluda.
Voodit ja hommikusööki pakutakse ka.
Maja nimi on Vikerkaaremaja.
Inspireerituna päikesepaisteliste ilmadega Niagara jugade juures säravatest vikerkaartest on linnas palju kohti Rainbow nimega.
A bed and breakfest called The Rainbow House. In addition to the ordinary housing comfort you can also get married here. Being that a rainbow almost always hangs over the falls, there are a lot of places in the city that have a word "rainbow" in the name.
Kohaliku suveniiripoe uksel räägitakse millegipärast ka vene keelt.
Muuseumina on esitletud pildid seinal, milledel inimesed sõidavad erinevate vahenditega jugadest alla.
A local souvenir shop with a Russian-language sign on the door. It has a number of pictures of daredevils in assorted vessels trying to make the falls.
Kummitustemaja ja õhupall.
A haunted house and a balloon ride.
Õhupalliga saab õhku tõusta ja ülevalt linna peale vaadata.
Peale vaatamist keritakse õhupall nöörimööda alla tagasi.
They lift you up in the air and I bet you get the most magnificent view there is. Later they reel you back in to the ground.
Sees olnud atraktsioonid paistsid kulunud ja määrdunud.
Aga öösel särab see maja värvilises valguses ja on päris ilus vaadata.
Niagara Playland house. A lot of activities and rides for the kids as well as for the whole family. Most of them were pretty worn out, though. They turn on the lights at night and the building is a pretty pleasant sight.
Lõbutsemise reeglid.
House rules.

Et selleks ajaks, kui juba päris kasiinosse lastakse, oleks soojendus tehtud ja asi selge.
Children's slot machines so the kids can get their casino legs early on. No wonder, the real McCoy is only half a mile from here.
Lillepeenar indiaanlasekujuga.
Flower bed with an Indian statue.***
Tour trolley

We were listening to a story of Nicola Tesla (what a befitting coincidence) when a park ranger pulled up in his electromobile. He was running out of juice so he reeled out an extension cord and stuck the end plug in the nearest receptacle. That's how they gas up. Wish we had a car like this.
Seneca Casino lit up at night.
Kanada piiripunkt autodele.
Border crossing to Canada.

Siit väravast saab Kanadasse astuda. Näitad dokustaadid ette ja jalutad üle Vikerkaaresilla ning oledki Kanadas.
Pedestrian entry to Canada. Show your ID and 150 yards later long live the Queen.
Interesting composition of directions. Go left and you end up in the park. Go right and you end up in another park, albeit a larger one, Canada :)
A view under the Rainbow Bridge at night.

Autorent $154 (2 ööpäeva)
teemaksud $18.45
motell $45.19 (üks öö kahele)
laevapiletid $25 (2 tk).
We rested overnight in this motel. A few stats from our trip: all in all we drove a tad over 900 miles or 1450 kilometers. Knowing that the drive was going to be lengthy we tried to get the most economical car possible. The car rental had a bit different agenda, they tried to push the biggest gas-guzzling, house-size block-of-steel they had. Speak of differences of opinion. Eventually we had to settle on Dodge Avenger with some 26 mpg on highway so we used a fair amount of gas (130 liters according to my darling's impeccable accounting). We were charged $154 bucks for the two days we had the wheels which was not too bad. Highway tolls came to $18.45. Maid of the Mist boat was $12.50 a pop. And oh yes, we lucked out with the motel, it was only $45.19 for two, thanks to her keen eye and coupons.
All in all it we really enjoyed it and some day we'll do it over again.
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