Fire Island on üks pikk (48 km) ja peenike (laius kuni 1 km) saar Atlandi ookeani ja Great South Bay (Suure Lõunalahe) vahel.
Tegelikult on see saar üks suuremat sorti liivaluide, mis püüab kinni ookeanilt tulevad lained ja selle varjus oli Long Islandi vaalapüüdjatel hea kodusadamasse sõita.
Kuna selles külas, kus me natuke suvitasime, ujumise randa polnud, siis sõitsime laevukesega Fire Islandile.
Fire Island is a rather long and narrow island separating Long Island from the main waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Fire Island is a rather long and narrow island separating Long Island from the main waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The body of water between mainland Long Island and Fire Island is known as the Great South Bay.
In reality, Fire Island is nothing but a long strip of dunes that shelters harbors on Long Island southern shore from the powerful swells of the Atlantic Ocean.
Since the village where we stayed did not have a swimming beach, we had to take a ferry to Fire Island.
Ferry departs on every hour.
Ferry departs on every hour.
One of the marinas on Fire Island.
Kuna saar on enamuses looduskaitse all, siis luidetele kolama minek on keelatud.
Käia tohib ainult laudradadel.
Fire Island is a nature preserve.
Walking on dunes in most places is prohibited.
To cross over the dunes one must use a designated boardwalk.
Selline loodus siis seal.
Wild nature on Fire Island.
One of the marinas on Fire Island.
Kuna saar on enamuses looduskaitse all, siis luidetele kolama minek on keelatud.
Käia tohib ainult laudradadel.
Fire Island is a nature preserve.
Walking on dunes in most places is prohibited.
To cross over the dunes one must use a designated boardwalk.
Selline loodus siis seal.
Wild nature on Fire Island.
In front of us is the Atlantic Ocean.
Even though there was no storm, large waves seemed to appear from nowhere.
When they slam into you, you will notice :)
Practice makes prefect.
Practice makes prefect.
After a while one learns to live with the surf.
Upper set of heads are already on the crest of the wave while heads in the lower part of the picture are still waiting.
Upper set of heads are already on the crest of the wave while heads in the lower part of the picture are still waiting.
One had to be careful, especially with the kids.
One had to be careful, especially with the kids.
Rip tide was mighty powerful.
Sääsed ka muidugi.
Nii et niisama lamada ja päevitada ei saa, parmud ON ülbed.
Parmud pole looduskaitse all, neid püütakse sellise naljaka agregaadiga.
Fire Island is a horse fly heaven.
If that wasn't bad enough, add mosquitoes to the equation.
You can't lie down on your towel, not even for one minute.
Horse flies WILL eat you alive.
Luckily they are not protected, so in order to lessen the impact on people, horse fly traps are installed.
3 kommentaari:
ja mis põhimõttel see parmupüüdja töötas? pealtnäha paistab selline ,et parm peab suure lennuhoo pealt poksikotile pihta lendama :)
See asi pidi nii töötama, et parm näeb seda musta ümmargust palli, mis tuule käes liigub. Ja siis ta arvab, et sealt saab süüa (noh, et keegi nagu liigutas kuskil). Kui ta pallile maandub ja aru saab, et see sooja verd ei sisalda, tõuseb ta otse üles ja satub kasti, millest ta välja ei oska minna. Sealt ta üritab veel ülespoole minna ning lendab üleval olevasse purki, kus ta päikese käes lihtsalt üle kuumeneb ja esiisade juurde tagasi läheb. Parmud nimelt ei tohi päikese kätte kauaks paigale jääda, sest nende keha neid jahutada ei suuda.
Ma ka vaatasin seda agregaati ja püüdsin nuputada...
Aga kui asi on nii nagu ütlesid, siis on ikka karm värk küll neid surevaid parmusid vaadata. Nagu kärbes, kes on lennanud lambikupli ala ja ei oska sealt enam välja tulla.
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