29 juuli 2007

Ring ümber Manhattani. Voyage around Manhattan.

Mu sünnipäeval oli õues liiga palav. Seega tuli minna kuskile vee lähedale.
Läksime Circle Line'i laeva peale ja tegime ringi ümber Manhattani.
On my birthday, the weather was too hot.
The best place to be was somewhere near water.
We decided to go on a cruise with Circle Line around Manhattan.
Circle Line'i laevad kai ääres.
Circle Line ships moored at the 42nd Street pier.
Muidugi müüdi laeval sööki-jooki ja vidinaid.
Väike õlu maksis $6.
In New York City and they don't try to sell you anything?
Of course there was a small concession stand on the ship.
A small bottle of beer was $6!

Jõed ümber Manhattani on igasuguseid laevukesi täis.
River traffic around Manhattan is pretty intense.

Manhattani lõunatipp.
Southern tip of Manhattan.

Aga siin pildil pole Manhattan, see on New Yorgist üle jõe asuv New Jersey, hoopis teine osariik.
It isn't Manhattan in this picture, it is New Jersey, completely another state.

Niimoodi inimesed lasid endast Manhattani taustal pilti teha.
People took pictures of each other, with Manhattan in the backround.

Valjuhäälditest tuli giidi juttu igasuguste majade, sildade ja ehitiste kohta, millest me mööda sõitsime.
During the cruise, they broadcasted stories about buildings and bridges that we saw.
The ship had a pretty good PA system.

Lõunasadamas on mõned vanad purjelaevad rahvale vaatamiseks välja pandud.
Ühe laeva nimi on Peking.
Võibolla olid ameeriklastel juba vanasti hiinlastega sõbralikud suhted :)
Tänapäeval tulevad Hiinast palju suuremad laevad siia, mistõttu kvaliteetset kaupa on poest päris raske leida.
South Street Seaport is home to a few tall-ship era vessels.
One of them is Peking.
Could be that the US had friendly relations with the Chinese already back then :)
In modern times, the maritime traffic between China and us is mostly one way from China to here.
No wonder it is hard to find anything in the store that doesn't break in a few days :)

East Riveril ehk siis Manhattanist idapoolsel jõel on vääääga palju sildu.
See on Brooklyni sild.
There are quite a few bridges across the East River.
This one is the Brooklyn Bridge.

Ja järgmisena paistab Manhattani sild.

Next comes the Manhattan Bridge.

Silla alt läbi.
Under the bridge.

See on juba Williamsburg'i sild, mille tagant paistab praeguseks suletud Domino suhkruvabrik.
See vabrik oli NYC üks tööstuse sümbolitest.
This is the Williamsburg Bridge, with the landmark Domino Sugar factory in the backround.
To great disappointment to many local residents, the factory closed its doors two years ago.

Kinnisvaraarendus Queensis.
Kolm vasakpoolset maja on kerkinud kahe viimase aasta jooksul.
Vähemalt kolm maja on veel tagantpoolt tulemas.
Kahtlemata on tegemist luxury condominiumidega ehk siis üle miljoni dollari maksvate korteritega.
Real estate development in Queens.
Three leftmost houses have been erected over the last two years.
Three more are in the works.
These are luxury condominiums, more than a million a pop.
Kodud Manhattanil.
Residential buildings in Manhattan.

Aga kõik need majad on kõrge traataiaga piiratud Wards Islandil asuv psühhoneuroloogiahaigla.
Neil on oma kirik ka õue peal.
All this what looks like a prison is actually a funny farm located on Wards Island.
They even have their own church.
Väiksematel sildadel on toredad tornikesed.
Architectural ornamentation on Harlem River Bridges.

Hakkame jõudma Manhattani põhjaossa.
Northern part of Manhattan.

Siin vasakul on Manhattani põhjatipp, paremal on Riverdale.
Northern tip of Manhattan on the left, Riverdale of the Bronx on the right.

Nüüd oleme tagasi Hudsoni jõel, Manhattan jääb vasakule ja ees paistab George Washingtoni sild.
Back on the Hudson River.
Manhattan is on the left and far in the distance in front of us is the George Washington Bridge.

Kaptenil ka sillal palav, laseb omale tuult näkku.
Captain cooling by the wheelhouse.

Meie giid, väga vahva jutuga.
Our tour guide.
Man oh man, could he talk!

25 juuli 2007


Manhattani põhjaosa on ilus roheline.
Mitte üks pilvelõhkuja ei kasva seal.
Green area on the northern tip of Manhattan.
Not a single sky scraper here.

Sellel pildil on ka Manhattan, mitte Uugametsa.
Believe it or not, it is still Manhattan, not Bear Mountain.

Manhattani põhja- ja lõunaosa on tiba erinevad jah.
Lõunaosa on see, mida maailmas teatakse, kui New Yorki.
Northern and southern parts of Manhattan couldn't be more different.
When people mention Manhattan, they mostly mean the southern part.
Nii et kui juttu tuleb Manhattanist, siis inimestel tuleb ilusti mingi selline pilt silme ette.
Every time someone says Manhattan, this is what comes to mind.
Aga üks saar ta puha, nii ülemistel piltidel, kui alumistel.
Even though first pictures here are very different from last ones, it is still the same island.

22 juuli 2007

Pühapäev-kajakipäev. Sunday on water.

Nina Manhattani poole.
Course on Manhattan.

Astoria pool on sürrid kaldad, vana paadikuuriga näiteks.
Old boathouse ruins on Astoria side.

21 juuli 2007

Fire Island

Fire Island on üks pikk (48 km) ja peenike (laius kuni 1 km) saar Atlandi ookeani ja Great South Bay (Suure Lõunalahe) vahel.
Tegelikult on see saar üks suuremat sorti liivaluide, mis püüab kinni ookeanilt tulevad lained ja selle varjus oli Long Islandi vaalapüüdjatel hea kodusadamasse sõita.
Kuna selles külas, kus me natuke suvitasime, ujumise randa polnud, siis sõitsime laevukesega Fire Islandile.
Fire Island is a rather long and narrow island separating Long Island from the main waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The body of water between mainland Long Island and Fire Island is known as the Great South Bay.
In reality, Fire Island is nothing but a long strip of dunes that shelters harbors on Long Island southern shore from the powerful swells of the Atlantic Ocean.
Since the village where we stayed did not have a swimming beach, we had to take a ferry to Fire Island.
Laevuke väljub iga tunni aja tagant.
Ferry departs on every hour.

Fire Islandi üks sadamatest.
One of the marinas on Fire Island.

Kuna saar on enamuses looduskaitse all, siis luidetele kolama minek on keelatud.
Käia tohib ainult laudradadel.
Fire Island is a nature preserve.
Walking on dunes in most places is prohibited.
To cross over the dunes one must use a designated boardwalk.
Selline loodus siis seal.
Wild nature on Fire Island.

See on Atlandi ookean, lained tulevad nagu sein ja löövad su ilusti pikali.
In front of us is the Atlantic Ocean.
Even though there was no storm, large waves seemed to appear from nowhere.
When they slam into you, you will notice :)

Kui osav oled, siis iga lainega pikali ei kuku.
Practice makes prefect.
After a while one learns to live with the surf.

Ülemised peanupud on laineharjal, alumised ootavad, millal laine nendeni jõuab.
Upper set of heads are already on the crest of the wave while heads in the lower part of the picture are still waiting.
Lastega igaks juhuks sügavamale vette ei mindud, vool oli kohati päris tugev.
One had to be careful, especially with the kids.
Rip tide was mighty powerful.
Aga et saarel liiga ilus elu poleks, elab seal miljon parmu.
Sääsed ka muidugi.
Nii et niisama lamada ja päevitada ei saa, parmud ON ülbed.
Parmud pole looduskaitse all, neid püütakse sellise naljaka agregaadiga.
Fire Island is a horse fly heaven.
If that wasn't bad enough, add mosquitoes to the equation.
You can't lie down on your towel, not even for one minute.
Horse flies WILL eat you alive.
Luckily they are not protected, so in order to lessen the impact on people, horse fly traps are installed.