14 august 2007

Kuritegu ja kaitseinglid. Guardian Angels vs. crime.

Läksin mina eile poodi ja nägin tänaval paari TV-jaama uudistebussi.
Tagasitulles nägin lisaks veel salka punaste barettidega mehi ja kuulutusi, mis rääkisid, et võin anonüümselt helistada, et aidata kuritegusid avastada.
Ja TV inimesed küsitlesid tee peal inimesi.
Vaatasin siis kodus telekast, et mis lahti.
Pühapäeval hilja õhtul oli keegi kuri mees noaga ähvardades röövinud ja ahistanud seksuaalselt ühte naist, meie turvalises linnaosas.
Meil on siin tõesti rahulik ja turvaline olnud, vanade eramajade rajoon, elanikeks viiekümnendatel siia majad ostnud kreeklased ja itaallased.
Yesterday, on my way to the supermarket, I saw a few of TV-news vans on our street.
When I came back, there were a bunch of men with red berets near 26th Street.
In addition, I noticed advertisements how to anonymously help solve a violent crime.
And reporters were interviewing people on the street.
I came home, turned on my TV, and watched what was going on.
Last Sunday night, a man attacked and robbed a woman at knifepoint and forced her to perform oral sex.
Our neighbourhood has been quiet and safe because we have private homes here that Italian and Greek people bought in the fifties.
They themselves commit no crime.

Täna olid jälle need punaste barettidega mehed tänaval ja jagasid fotorobotiga tehtud pilti oletatavast kurjategijast.
Sain teada, et on olemas selline organisatsioon nagu Kaitseinglid (Guardian Angels), kes aitavad vabatahtlikult politseinikke võitluses kuritegevuse vastu.
Julged inimesed.
Today, there were men with red berets on the street again.
There were posters with photorobotic mug shots of the perpetrator.
Men with red berets are Guardian Angels, volunteers helping the police fight crime.
I think, they are very brave people.

Kui näed kuskil sellist meest, siis helista!



When you see him, please contact the police!

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