17 august 2007

Bellporti küla. The Village of Bellport.

Täna siis vaatame, kuidas kohalikud külaelanikud elavad.
Bellpordi küla asub Long Islandil, meie kodust Astorias (New York) 94 kilomeetri kaugusel.
Inimesi elab seal paari tuhande ringis, neil on oma lasteaiad ja koolid.
Today we are taking a look how local people live in the village.
The Village of Bellport is located on Long Island, some 59 miles away from our home in Astoria, Queens.
There are about two thousand people living in Bellport.
They even have their own schools.

See maja oli veel kuu aega tagasi müügis.
Normaalsuuruses (minu mõõdu järgi :)) majad maksavad seal umbes pool miljonit dollarit, kui palju sellise mõisa eest küsitakse, ei tea.
This house was still for sale a month ago.
Normal size residences in Bellport go for about $500K, how much was this one - I have no clue.

Ühe kiriku uks.
Church door.

Üks teine kirik.
Kirikuid nägin mina seal vähemalt 4 tükki, aga ega ma igas tänavas ka kolamas ei käinud.
Another church.
I saw at least 4 churches in this village but I'm sure they have more.

Bellpordi küla näeb välja, nagu kõik selle kandi külad.
Korras majad ja ilus haljastus.
The Village of Bellport looks like any other village on Long Island - houses are in good condition and excellent landscaping.

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