22 jaanuar 2009

Koduperenaine hädas

Täna leidsin sellise tööotsimiskuulutuse:
Need a job for my husband who is making me crazy. He's home all the time, hogging the computer and wondering what I do all day. While it's wonderful to have someone to watch the baby if I need to run out, or run quick errands here and there I am going out of my mind. So if anyone out there needs a very talented, very smart, hard working CFO,with almost ten years of experience in both large and small companies, who is currently bored out of his mind please contact me. Or him. Please. I need this man out of the house, minimum nine to five. For a guy who likes to work as hard as he does, you'd think he could do a little laundry.
CFO tähendab Chief Financial Officer.
Seega, kellel on pakkuda tööd finantsülemusele, saab päästa kellegi abielu :)
Mina ainult ülemustele pakutavaid töökohti viimasel ajal kuulutustest leiangi. Omanikel vaja ju inimesi, kes oskaks praegusel ajal ettevõttele mingi kasumi valmistada.
Aga äkki selle pere mees on hetkel väga rahul, et saab lõpuks ka kodus olla ja ei pea 12 tundi päevas töötama?

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