04 november 2007

New York City Marathon

Täna meil oli maraton.
Kuna me endiselt armastame hommikuti kaua magada, jõudsime me raja äärde alles siis, kui tõsised tegijad olid juba finišis.
Sellepärast võib piltidelt jääda mulje, et mingi karneval või niisama paraad oli. Aga ei, kõik jooksjad ja jalutajad olid ikka asjalikud ja imetlemist väärt.
Sellest, mis tunne on maratoni joosta, kirjutab Mariliisi isa oma blogis.
Mina ei jõuaks seda rada niisama käieski vist läbida.
Eelmisel aastal käisime ka seda maratoni vaatamas.
November 4th was a marathon day in New York City. Being that it fell on Sunday, we were a bit lazy and slept late. Thus, by the time we got down to the Queensborough Bridge, most of the serious runners had already finished. That still left a lot of folks that enjoyed their own pace and costumes. Looks like a circus from the pictures but it's actually a dead serious event. Many people I know train for it religiously for months. To us a mere thought of running for 26 miles seems an impossible achievement. So we only came to see it, just like last year.


Mahavisatud joogitopside peal on päris karm joosta - paljud libisesid ja väänasid jalgu.
The downside of refreshments was a lot of litter. We saw quite a few slip and trip because the cups were getting in the way.

Peter ja Erika Saksamaalt.
Peter and Erika from Germany. Ja!

Neiu otse Moulin Rouge'i lavalt.
This young lady had dressed up like a Moulin Rouge girl. Wonder if she had any underwear! :-)

Grazia ja Bruno Itaaliast.
Signora Grazia and Signor Bruno from Italy. They were not in the hurry, unlike most others.

Korravalvurid Inglismaalt on kaotanud oma püksid.
Is it a new fashion statement by the folks from the New Scotland Yard or did he simply loose his pants?

Ja siit on neil veel natuke alla poole maa joosta. Õnn kaasa!
This is before they get on the Queensborough Bridge. A little less than half the distance is remaining. Keep up the good work!

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