11 juuli 2007

USA iseseisvuspäev. Independence Day.

Iseseisvuspäeva peeti meil eelmisel kolmapäeval.
Me muidugi sõitsime ratastega ringi jälle, käisime Manhattani East Side'i rattaraja peal ja tulime üle Williamburgi silla tagasi Queensi.
Tagumine aeg sellest pilti näidata.
We had an Independence Day last Wednesday.
Of course, as usual, we broke out our bicycles. We rode to Manhattan and came down on the East Side. Then we crossed back to Queens over the Williamsburg Bridge.
Now we have some pictures.

Selline värav oli Manhattanil East Riveri äärde püsti pandud linnapea ja tema külaliste auks.
Läbi selle värava said nemad minna ilutulestiku vaatamiseks tribüünile istuma.
The red thing in the background is actually a gate, erected in honor of NYC mayor and his guests.
They had to pass through it in order to go and see the fireworks.
Ilutulestiku vaatamise VIP-i kohad.
VIP seating.

Töömehed kruvisid pinke kokku.
Workers assembling the seats.

Televisioonimehed olid ka varakult kohal.
Of course, TV crews were present as always.
Ja kaunid tibid jalutasid ringi.
What's an Independence Day without pretty faces :)
Üks televisioonimees töötas oma läpakaga auto all.
Looks like space was at premium. One guy had even camped out under a truck.

Ilutulestiku õhkulaskmisega seotud töötajad soojendasid omale vorstikesi ja sõid neid vorste saiaga.
Fireworks crews were busy grilling sausages and helping them down with buns.
Kahtlemata oli terve jõeäärne täis politseinikke, kutsad kaasas.
Üks koer oli kella kaheks juba omadega läbi ja pikutas.
Ilutulestik algas kell 9.30 õhtul.
Anywhere you go you see police officers, most two-legged, some four-legged.
Looks like all this hard police work has taken its toll, one of the dogs is sleeping already.
The official fireworks start was at 9.30PM.
Me panime oma rataste külge väiksed USA lipud.
We sported US flags on our bicycles.
Ja sõime sellist sändvitši.
This was our lunch/dinner.

Siis leidsime Williamsburgist jõe kaldalt pargi, kus rahvas grillis ja ootas õhtust ilutulestikku.
Jäime ka sinna mõneks ajaks, aga ilm oli väga hall ja natuke nagu külm hakkas.
On our way back home we came across a newly opened park in north Williamsburg.
It was full of people waiting for fireworks and passing time by barbecuing.
We stayed for awhile but it was cold.

Selline metsiku Eesti loodusega sisustatud park oli.
Park's wild nature, just like in Estonia.

Ja selline tumehall ilm oli.
Weather was gloomy and cold.
Jõe peale hakkas ka rahvast kogunema, aga väikesed paadid ajas politseipaat minema.
Politseipaat on parempoolne, sealt hüüti "You can't stay here tonight!" ning väikse paadi mees tõmbas ankru üles ja sõitis minema.
As soon as the boats started gathering on the river, a police launch appeared.
In the picture, the police are on the right.
They kept announcing over the PA "You can't stay here tonight!".
Eventually the small boat weighed its anchor and left.
Suuremaid laevu ei aetud minema.
The funny thing was the police let the bigger ships stay.
Siit tuleb ilutulestiku praam.
Neid tuli mitu tükki, lisaks veel mõned tuletõrjelaevad.
Here comes one of the Macy's fireworks barges.
There were several of them, on top of that a few fire boats were on hand.
Rahvast tuli järjest juurde.
People kept gathering.
Need kollased laevad on veetaksod.
These yellow craft are NYC watertaxi.
Kuna vihma hakkas järjest rohkem sadama, siis me lasime sealt pargist jalga.
Kohtasime oma teel huvitavat vihmavarju.
Since the rain increased we left the park.
On our way back we saw an umbrella of unseen design.

Ilutulestik nägi paksude vihmapilvede tõttu väga kunstipärane välja.
The fireworks were unique due to thick rain clouds.

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