25 juuli 2007


Manhattani põhjaosa on ilus roheline.
Mitte üks pilvelõhkuja ei kasva seal.
Green area on the northern tip of Manhattan.
Not a single sky scraper here.

Sellel pildil on ka Manhattan, mitte Uugametsa.
Believe it or not, it is still Manhattan, not Bear Mountain.

Manhattani põhja- ja lõunaosa on tiba erinevad jah.
Lõunaosa on see, mida maailmas teatakse, kui New Yorki.
Northern and southern parts of Manhattan couldn't be more different.
When people mention Manhattan, they mostly mean the southern part.
Nii et kui juttu tuleb Manhattanist, siis inimestel tuleb ilusti mingi selline pilt silme ette.
Every time someone says Manhattan, this is what comes to mind.
Aga üks saar ta puha, nii ülemistel piltidel, kui alumistel.
Even though first pictures here are very different from last ones, it is still the same island.

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