02 juuli 2007

Külapidu. Party in our community.

Astoria pargis oli reedel pidu, sest kolmapäeval, 4. juulil, on iseseisvuspäev.
New Yorgis lastakse aasta kõige suuremad ilutulestikud õhku just iseseisvuspäeva tähistamiseks (mitte aastavahetusel) ja Astoria pargi oma peo lõpetas ka ilutulestik.
Aga enne seda mängis Tommy Dorsey Orkester viiekümnendate aastate sulnist tantsumuusikat.
There was a party in Astoria Park last Friday, fireworks and all. Before the fireworks local folks could enjoy The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, playing sweet dance from the fifties. This party was just a preamble because the real thing will happen on Fourth of July, America's birthday. Then there will a real big fireworks show on the East River, made possible by generous support from the Macy's.

Mõned julged inimesed tantsisid murul peotantse.
Some people weren't shy to swing along.
Ja kõik suur muru oli rahvast täis, igal oma tool või tekk kaasas.
The Great Meadow in Astoria Park was covered with lawn chairs back to back just like Brooklyn-Queens Expressway in rush hour.

Meie olime kavalad ja läksime ilutulestikku Triboro silla pealt vaatama, sest tuld lasti üle jõe Randall's Islandi pealt.
However, we wanted to beat the crowds and instead of shouldering our way all the way to the riverfront, climbed to the top of Triboro Bridge pedestrian/bicycle lane and enjoyed the effects from there.
Öine Astoria park Triboro silla pealt vaadates.
That what Shore Road looks like from atop of Triboro Bridge.

Hell Gate'i sild ja Astoria park.
Hell Gate Bridge in distance and the riverfront from Triboro Bridge.

Hell Gate'i sild ja East River.
Hell Gate Bridge and East River.

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