31 oktoober 2007

Inglise keel selge teil või? A tonque twister.

Selliseid asju nad siis käsevad ette lugeda. Lugege kellegile see ette ja las tõlgib. Kuulmise järgi.

Esimene harjutus, ALGAJATELE

Kolm nõida vahivad kolme Swatch kella. Milline nõid vahib millist kella?
Ja nüüd inglise keeles:
Three witches watch three swatch watches.Which witch watches which swatch watch?


Kolm transvestiidist nõida vahivad kolme nuppu Swatch kellal. Milline transvestiidist nõid vahib millist nuppu?
Ja nüüd inglise keeles:
Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?

Kolmas ja viimane harjutus, täielikele PROFFIDELE

Kolm šveitsi transvestiidist nõida, kes soovivad ennast ümber lõigata, vahivad kolme nuppu Swatch kellal. Milline ümberlõikust ootav transvestiidist nõid vahib millist nuppu?
Ja nüüd see kõik inglise keeles:
Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss witch-bitches, watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch, which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?

See pole minu tõlge ja minu mehe tõlge ka mitte. See asi saadeti mulle Eestist. Koos tõlkega.

Aga see pilt on tehtud 10 aastat tagasi Inglismaal, Chesteris.

Kuna seal on liiklus vasakpoolne, siis on tänavatele igaks juhuks kirjutatud, kuhupoole peab vaatama enne, kui üle sõidutee hakkad minema. See kiri aitab tõhusalt lolle turiste nende hädas.

29 oktoober 2007

Geograafilised iseärasused New York Citys. Geography.

Ja kus võiks Little Estonia asuda?
Is New York City the only place where Poland is located next to Pakistan ?

Haara härjal sarvist! Western restaurant.

Üks üsna tavaline steakhouse umbes 190 kilomeetri kaugusel New York Cityst.
An ordinary western-style restaurant in upstate New York.

25 oktoober 2007

Kohalik põllumajandus. Garden farming.

Meie kodu ümbruskonna tänavatel on põhiliselt 2-3-e korruselised eramajad, millede ees on umbes 3x3m suurused aiakesed. Tagaaiad on ka, aga tagaaed pole põllumajanduse jaoks, seal on tavaliselt garaaž ja lauad-toolid.
Eesaiad on täis lilli või puid-põõsaid. Kuna elanikud on siin kreeklased ja itaallased, siis paljud neist on oma lillede vahele mõned tomatid istutanud. Olen näinud ka kurki, kapsast ja kõrvitsalisi, aga oma tomat on olemas peaaegu igaühel.
Ja mõned aiakesed on ainult köögiviljakultuuride all :)
We live in Astoria which is mostly a two-story residential neighborhood in northwestern Queens. As such, almost everyone has a tiny patch of land that accompanies his or her property. Most folks living here trace their ancestory to either Greece or Italy so they grow vegetables. I have seen cucumbers, cabbage, assorted melons and of course, tomatoes. Whatever the variety, everyone seems to have tomatoes. Heck, even Michael Corleone, right before he died in Godfather III, tended ever so gently to his tomatoes. So tomatoes are a cultural thing... Näiteks siin aias on kaks suurt roosipõõsast ja nende varjus väike tomat.
This gentleman has roses and... what else... tomatoes of course.
Siin on päevalilled, tomatid ja mingi kõrvits.
Sunflowers, melons and of course, tomatoes.
No siin on juba suurem põllumaa tomatite ja paprika all.
With a little imagination, this here could already be called "farming". Looks like paprica and you've just got to have tomatoes.

Kui maa peale kõik kraam ära ei mahu, siis kõrvitsa moodi asju annab ka elektritraatidel üles kasvatada. Allpool kasvavad siin jällegi tomatid. Mis sunnib inimesi asju ise kasvatama? Ega ma ka patust puhas pole, ma kasvatan tagaaias suure poti sees piparmünti ja väikestes pottides tilli :)
As it is customary in New York City, when you can't expand anywhere else, you can still go up! I'm not sure what these bushes are but as certainly as there are death and taxes, there are tomatoes growing under here. Why people do it? I don't know. A lot of residents in our neighborhood are elderly and tending their very own garden gives them something to do. By the way, I also have peppermint and dill growing, although in our back yard.

Kaubapäev. Chinese invasion.

Saabub järjekordne kaubalaev Hiinast.
Kes otsustab, et USA elanikud polegi muud väärt, kui ühekordseks kasutamiseks mõeldud plastmassi, esimese kasutuskorra ajal lagunevaid metalliasendajast valmistatud "tööriistu" ja lapsorjade õmmeldud riideid.
Kas on lootust, et Eesti ei jõua kunagi "arenenud lääneriikidele" järele?
Ilma sellise kaubanduseta oleks palju puhtam ja muretum elu.
Võibolla on mu arusaam ilmaelust liiga pealiskaudne.
Yet another container carrier from China. Our export to China is mostly "big" stuff, machinery and airplanes etc. What we import from China is mostly "small" stuff, plastics that you can use only once, tools that break already when you start thinking about where to use them, clothes that when you shake them too hard, buttons will fall right off and so on. Quite frankly, most of this stuff is as useful as tits on a boar! Let's hope that Estonia never catches up to "developed Western democracies" because if and when it does, that'll be sorry sight indeed. The bad thing about it is that Chinese know very well what is going on. They use it as a weapon to bancrupt all those who'd otherwise like to make quality stuff here. And even worse thing is that our own government is letting it just happen!!!!

21 oktoober 2007

VAT Teater Eesti Majas. The Cool Estonian Epos - Kalevipoeg.

Reedel ja laupäeval oli Eesti Majas külas VAT teater Markus Zohneri lavastusega Kalevipoeg.
Laval polnud mitte midagi peale nelja näitleja, kes oskasid lugu luua nii, et ma tõepoolest nägin, kuidas Kalev lendas kotka seljas ja Lindal sündisid lapsed ja Kalevipoeg kasvas titest suureks meheks ning tegi oma tegusid.
Suurepärane lavastus ja andekad näitlejad.
Theater folks from Estonia were visiting here with their show Kalevipoeg on Friday and Saturday.
The all spectacle was only four actors.
Despite of being few in numbers, the show itself was nothing but boring.
They could make you believe that you were present when old Kalev flew on the back of one eagle, Linda gave birth to Kalevipoeg, he grew up and went on to become a hero.
An excellent show and excellent actors!

Etendus nõuab näitlejatelt nii perfektset miimika valdamist kui ka head füüsilist vormi.
You've got to be in shape on stage.
Õlle jagamine.
Beer line.

Haava kinniõmblemine.
Woman is dressing her husband's wound.

Õbluke Katariina Lauk on võimeline oma kehaga väljendama väga suuri emotsioone.
Fragile actress Katariina Lauk commands powerful body language - she is able to show great emotions with her body.

Kuradi käsilased Kalevipoja mõõka varastamas.
Devil's advocats busy swiping Kalevipoeg's sword.

Kalevipoeg näitab põrguneitsitele, mida ta oskab.
Kalevipoeg showing off his powers.
Põrguneitsid Maarika, Klaarika ja Veronika.
Maids from hell - Maarika, Klaarika and Veronika.
Janek Sarapson, Tanel Saar, Katariina Lauk, Margo Teder.
Cast: Janek Sarapson, Tanel Saar, Katariina Lauk, Margo Teder.
Thank you!

Vaade Eesti Maja aknast East 34. tänavale.
"Eestist tulevad ainult head asjad. Eesti teater ja eesti šokolaad," ütles üks vanem daam peale etendust.
View from the window of the Estonian House to the E34th Street in Manhattan.
"Only the good things are coming from Estonia - Estonian theater and Estonian chocolate," one elderly Estonian lady remarked after the show.

19 oktoober 2007

Staten Island

Nonii, nüüd seal ka ratastega käidud.
Staten Island on eraldi saarel asuv New York City linnaosa, kuhu saab Manhattanilt tasuta praamiga ja Brooklynist üle Verrazano-Narrows silla.
Meie sõitsime metrooga Astoriast Manhattani lõunatippu ja praamiga Staten Islandile.
Metroosse lubatakse jalgratastega tipptunni välisel ajal ja sõita võib viimases vagunis. Nii rääkis meile putkas istuv metrootöötaja. Tagasitulles me viimasesse vagunisse ei jõudnud, sest rong tuli liiga ruttu ette. Keegi meid keskmisest vagunist ära siiski ei ajanud.
Praamil on jalgrataste jaoks olemas eraldi ala, sadamatöötaja juhatas meid alguses sadamas jalgratturitele mõeldud ootamise kohta ja siis praamile alumisele korrusele. Mingeid turvaväravaid me ei läbinud. Tavalised reisijad lähevad sadamas teisele korrusele ja sealt läbi turvaväravate praamile. Pommikoer on ka sadamas olemas.
Kuna saar osutus palju suuremaks, kui me alguses arvasime, siis jõudsime läbi sõita ainult Atlandi ookeani poolse rannaääre, tagasi sadamasse sõitsime mööda suvalisi tänavaid. Seega tuleb sinna veel minna :)

Staten Island or SI as it is known here in abbreviated lingo, is one of the five boroughs that make up New York City.
It is accessable by free ferry from Manhattan or by car over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge from Brooklyn.
We decided in favor of the ferry boat because we had to ride the subway all the way from Astoria to Whitehall Street in downtown Manhattan anyway.
Since we had bicycles and being good citizens, we decided to ask first if we could take our bikes on subway, just in case.
The clerk on duty in Astoria station said sure but during off hours and in the rear of the train only.
Once we got to the ferry boarding area, we were told to keep our bikes in a special bike waiting area before we could embark. The large double-deckers that shuttle between SI and Manhattan have even special bike racks on lower level.
Security was fairly laxed, nobody checked us, although folks embarking on the upper level had to pass by armed security detail with the bomb dog.
Turned out that if you want to explore SI by pedaling on your own, the island seems a whole lot bigger than on the map.
We spent an estimated three hours exploring the part of the island facing the Atlantic, then turned back and rode through the maze of local streets back to the port.
On our subway ride back we didn't make it to the last car but the train wasn't crowded and we got home without incidents.
One more thing, being that we couldn't see as much as we had hoped, another exploration will follow!
Praamisadam Manhattanil.
Ferry terminal in Manhattan.

Jalgrataste hoidja praamil.
Bike rack on the lower deck.

Bye bye Manhattan!
Bidding farewell to the concrete canyons of Manhattan, for now!

Hello, the Green Lady!
Passing by the torch!

Staten Islandil on Balti tänav, mille ääres on Harley Davidsoni pood.
Harley shop on Baltic and Bay Streets on Staten Island.

Merevaatega majad.
Coastal recidences here have a view to die for.

Siinkohal jälle meenus lapsepõlv.
Mälestusmärk sõdades langenutele.
A memorial complex to America's war dead.

Siin pargis kohtasime mitut venelast.
To our surprise, there were quite a few Russians in the park.

Verrazano-Narrows Bridge ja rohkem kui saja-aastane sadama kaitsmise kindlustus.
Seal kindluses oli vanasti igas augus kahur.
Aga sõdida polnudki siin kellegagi, sest keegi ei tahtnud eelmise sajandi alguses siinseid sadamaid rünnata.
Before there ever was a bridge across the narrows, there were New York gun batteries defending the harbor, located both on Staten Island and on the other side, in Brooklyn what is now Fort Hamilton. Down below you can see what is left of Battery Weed casemates.
I've got to say that the harbor was wery well defended, no one ever dared to challenge its big guns.

Džungel tungib mürsulaole peale.
Neid rööpaid pidi veeti meremiine.
Judging by the onslaught of green in the picture, it could have been taken somewhere in Panama. Actually it's still on Staten Island and the building directly in front of us housed what they called back then "torpedos" or sea mines as they are known today. Harbor defences were prearranged but not permanently in place. In case of an emergency the munitions were to be transported on miniature rail wagons to the special boats to be deployed in the water.

See on Kõrvitsa majake Cipollino raamatust.
Ma nii arvan.
Mäletate ju sellest jutust, et Kõrvits pani igal palgapäeval ühe telliskivi kõrvale, et endale oma kodu ehitada.
Ja siis ehitas sellise. Suurema jaoks ei jätkunud kive.
A building of unknown purpose. Looks like a house from that fairy tale.

Leidsime ilusa piknikukoha, aga enne kui seal liha küpsetama võib hakata, tuleb kuskilt luba küsida.
Seal on olemas nii laste mänguväljak kui WC.
A hidden treasure, an area for picnic by permit only.

Mere äär piknikukoha juures polnud eriti kaunis, sest merest ei uhuta kaldale midagi ilusat.
Aga see sodi on kõik võsa taga.
All this stuff has been washed ashore. Not too pretty!

Ilus pikk promenaad on rannas, isegi rattarada on sinna peale joonistatud.
A nice long board walk, even with bicycle lane markings on it.

Siin sillal on kalapüüdjatele kalade puhastamise lauad.
Vajutad jalaga pedaali ja vesi hakkab torust jooksma.
Staten Island paistab taustal ilus roheline.
Speak of public amenities. They have even built a stainless steel table, for the fisherman to ready their catch. Step on a release under the table and there will be more water flowing than in a Chinese typhoon.

Sellist metsikut parki oli ka ranna ääres.
A fairly natural wild park.

Erinevalt Astoriast on Staten Islandil enamus maju Halloweeni atribuutikat täis riputatud.
Most of the homes we encountered were full of Halloween theme.

Saar jättis väga puhta ja korras mulje meile.
Selline vaikne ja peresõbralik.
Compared to most other boroughs SI was nice and small, well-kept and friendly.

Staten Islandi sadamas olev jalgratturite praami ootamise koht.
Üldse mitte nii ilus, kui tavareisijate ootesaal.
Bicycle waiting area or in other words, if you had a bike you couldn't mix with other passangers but had to park your wheels here. This area was an exeption, a little dirty.